The meeting for November 2007 was called to order by Club President Earl Blanchette at 10:35 AM on 3 November 2007.
The minutes were introduced and two corrections were noted. A motion was made by Trace Bowen and seconded by Joe Pyland to accept with corrections and the motion passed.
The treasurer’s report was presented by Betty Neill. A motion to accept was made by Bradley Linda and seconded by Joe Pyland. The motion passed and the report was accepted.
Old Business
- The O Scale traveling layout will be on display at the Temple ATSF Depot in December 2007. Dan Ladd will develop an operating schedule.
- Wiley Starnes made a motion to set up modules with club equipment for use and storage at the ATSF Depot for the duration of the operation. Joe Pyland seconded and the motion carried. Wiley will check on the layout size so appropriate stanchions can be used (stand-alone or module built-ons).
- Earl Blanchette suggested that a decision be made reference the Christmas get-together. Bill Lancaster made a motion to cancel this year’s get together and Joe Pyland seconded. The motion passed. Earl suggested that members should think about an alternative for the coming year.
New Business
- Fred and Stacy Brice were announced as new members. Welcome aboard!
- There will be no change in business meeting for December 2007. Run day, however, will be cancelled.
- Betty Neill requested each Scale Coordinator conduct an inventory of CLUB items within their area of responsibility prior to her handing off treasurer duties to Dan Ladd. Please submit this list to Betty by the December business meeting (December 7, 2007).
- Joe Pyland made a motion to stop printing the Treasurer’s report for each meeting and instead have it explained in detail at each meeting. If any member requests a copy, he/she can receive one before the meeting’s end. The motion was seconded by Trace Bowen.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15.