The meeting for October 2007 was called to order October 6th by Club President Earl Blanchette at 10:30.
The minutes for September 2007 were presented. Two corrections were noted:
- Bruce Koehler’s last name had been incorrectly spelled as “Kohler.”
- Betty Neill is on the Board of Directors, not Ed Neill.
Bruce Koehler made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Noel Cowling seconded and the motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report for September 2007 was submitted and read. Betty Neill presented the 2007 Train Show report. Mike Cleveland and Jim Bush were commended for organizing a great train show. Dan Ladd presented the 25th Anniversary Celebration report. Bill Lancaster made a motion to accept, Craig Lancaster seconded, and the reports were accepted.
Old Business
- 2007 Train Show Results.
- Congratulations to Mike Cleveland, Jim Bush, and all of the club members that participated in putting this show together. The 2007 show was second only to 2003 by a small margin making it one of the best shows in club history.
- 2007 Train Show Raffle Results.
- Jackie Christian entered the raffle layout contest and won it to the delight of her grandchildren, Sheldon and Mandy Blackwell of Hamilton, Texas. Jackie wrote a very nice thank you letter.
- The O gauge modular layout displayed on October 3 and 4th in the Mayborn Convention Center for the Temple Chamber of Commerce. Wylie Starnes said the display was well received and the layout ran very well. CentraMod was recognized the following day in the Chamber newsletter.
- Ed Neill reported that the E. R. Carpenter Foundation grant funds have been received. The grant application was made in 2006 for to continue the depot renovation to the soffits, loading dock/handicap ramp, and doors. Ed reported that the quote for soffit work went up some from last year, but not much. He recommended that the grant money and the balance from the Phase I renovation be used to repair the soffits and purchase supplies to paint the loading dock and ramp with club members providing the painting labor. Noel Cowling made a motion to contract to have the soffit work done and purchase the paint needed for the dock and ramps. Bill Lancaster seconded and the motion passed.
New Business
- Welcome to new members Mike Hitzfelder of Austin, Texas and Billy McClellan of Waco, Texas.
- Club member Rod Park passed away. At the family’s request, the club made a donation to American Cancer Society in memory of Rod in lieu of sending flowers.
- 2008 Train Show.
- The 2008 Train Show is scheduled for September 20th and 21st. Probably the greatest indicator of the 2007 show’s success is that all the tables for next years show have already been sold. This is the first year in club history that all of the tables for the coming year have already been sold. Interested vendors should get on the vendor waiting list as soon as possible. Tables will be sold on a first come basis in case there are any vendor cancellations.
- 2008 Raffle Layout
- Brad’s Trains said they will donate a DCC engine and DCC system for next years layout provided it is an HO scale layout. The club consensus was that next year’s raffle layout will be HO.
- The Temple Fire Department will be displaying equipment the weekend of October 13th between the Whistle Stop Kiddie Park and Amtrak Station. The Fire Marshall asked if the club would like to open for the event. After some discussion, Bill Lancaster made a motion that the club not open for the event. Craig Lancaster seconded and the motion passed.
- Ed Neill announced the Nominating Committee’s recommendation for 2008 club officers:
- President: Wiley Starnes
- Vice President: Mike Cleveland
- Secretary: Clark Overman
- Treasurer: Dan Ladd
Bruce Koehler moved that the nominations be closed and Bill Lancaster seconded. The motion passed. Noel Cowling made a motion to accept the slate by acclimation. Bruce Koehler seconded and the motion passed.
The Temple Czech Festival will be held in the Santa Fe Gardens the weekend of November 3rd. This could make parking difficult for the business meeting.
- The Waco Toy and Doll Show will be January 5th and 6th. Since this is the first weekend, the business meeting will be moved to January 12th.
- Thanks to Mort Benjamin for providing missing minutes to the club archive.
- 25th Anniversary Coffee mugs were passed out to the membership. Members initialed a club roster as they picked up their two mugs.
The meeting adjourned at 11:12.