The meeting for September 2007 was called to order September 8th by Club President Earl Blanchette at 10:35.
The minutes for August 2007 were presented. Two corrections were noted:
- Ed Neill had also worked on scenery for the Raffle Layout.
- Betty Neill’s last name had been incorrectly spelled as “Neal” under Train Show Banquet Update.
Wiley Starnes made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Mike Ross seconded and the motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report for August 2007 was submitted and read. Bruce Kohler made a motion to accept, Buddy Burk seconded, and the report was accepted.
Old Business
- Kennedy Gauger had hats and shirts for those that had ordered them. Some extra hats are also available for sale.
- Kennedy reported that the CentraMod Yahoo! Group forums had been taken down since forums were now available through the Member’s Only area of the club website.
- Mike Cleveland provided a Train Show update.
He would like to see club members help vendors set up. This has worked well in past years.
There has been only one vendor cancellation and there are eight vendors on a waiting list for tables. 39 vendors have purchased 178 tables.
There will be a lot to do during setup on Friday. If Jim Bush hasn’t talked to you about a specific task, there will be a lot to do, so please show up and pitch in. Everybody is looking to meet at the Moody Depot around 9:30 AM on Friday.
During setup, if any vendors want to move their tables, they need to see Jim Bush or Mike Cleveland.
- The Raffle Layout is all ready to go. Bill Lancaster said everything went very well with the Temple Mall display.
- 25th Anniversary Train Show Banquet and CentraMod Open House
There are 204 confirmed banquet guests with a maximum of 224. The guests break down into: 38 Special, 65 Club Members, 48 Layout Participants, and 53 Vendors. All guests will have banquet passes to get into the banquet and attendance will be taken at the door. Banquet tickets will be collected as guests go through the serving lines.
The banquet will be held in the Temple Santa Fe Depot and is scheduled to run from 6:30 – 9:00 PM. Guests will mingle from 6:30 – 6:45 PM at which time the four serving lines will open. Some club members will need to help serve. Betty Neill has ordered two cakes – chocolate and white, as well as some cupcakes. Dee Teakell, Sally Burk, and Paula Bennet will help serve cake.
The meal will run from 6:45 – 7:45 PM at which time the Awards and Recognition Ceremony will begin. Mike Cleveland thought it would be great if people would get up and spend 2-3 minutes sharing train show memories. Call or email Mike if you are interested. All special guests will then be recognized. Past Train Show Chairs will then be recognized, presented certificates, and the new Train Show Chair Plaque unveiled. The banquet will dismiss at 9:00 PM at which point the Moody Depot will be opened for tours until 10:00 PM. The Temple Station must be vacated by 9:30 PM.
Kennedy Gauger asked if people have signed up for running the club layouts during the open house. No plans have been specifically made for this. Each scale will be responsible for staffing their layout and running trains during the open house.
- 25th Anniversary Train Show Coffee Mugs
Mike Cleveland said he would pick these up. The only mugs to be handed out at the banquet will be to the Special Guests. Vendor mugs will be distributed Saturday morning of the show. Club members’ mugs will be distributed at the October business meeting.
- Neal Locke provided an update on the Train Show Responsibility Schedule. Mike Cleveland said he has told vendors that if they need to step away from their table(s), to ask a club member to watch over their table for up to ten minutes. Betty Neill suggested that members watching over the North Hall should also keep an eye on the award winning module display that will be located in that area.
- Train Show Clinic Update.
Joe Pyland reported that Wayne Snyder will be unable to come and help Joe with his clinics, but Joe has that covered. A guest clinician will be coming to give a clinic on Detailing Industrial Scenery that was given at the Detroit NMRA convention. Joe thanked Kennedy Gauger and Ron Miller for preparing their clinics. A schedule with a synopsis of each clinic will be available at the front table during the train show.
- Train Show Publicity Report.
Ed Neill said that this Sunday the club should be showcased on the cover of the Temple Telegram Leisure magazine. Ads in the Temple Telegram will run this Monday through Sunday of the show. TV ads will run this Monday through Saturday of the show. Jerry Johnson was working ads for the Ft Hood area. Publicity materials were on display and Buddy Burk will be incorporating these into the club scrapbook.
New Business
- Welcome to new members Trixi Bitterle-Ortiz, her husband William Ortiz and son Jackson Ortiz.
- Bill Lancaster was approached by the Chamber of Commerce to set up the O gauge modular layout October 3 and 4th in Mayborn Convention Center foyer for a Chamber of Commerce trade show. Ed Neill made a motion for this to be a club sponsored event. Bruce Kohler seconded and the motion passed.
- Wylie Starnes made a motion for modular layouts to participate in the Waco Toy and Doll Show as a club sponsored event. Bruce Kohler seconded and the motion passed.
- Bill Lancaster reported that the club library purchased a signed copy of Evolution of the American Diesel Locomotive (Railroads Past and Present) by Dr. J. Parker Lamb.
- Today was the last day to clean up before the train show open house and members were encouraged to clean up their layout areas.
- The 2008 Clean-Up and Refreshments sign-up sheets have been posted in the breakroom.
- Neal Locke mentioned that Dan Ladd received an award for his model of the Santa Fe Temple Depot and Bradley Linda received awards for his photography at the recent Lone Star NMRA convention.
- The club will not be displaying at Baylor Mayborn Museum this year because of a conflicting exhibit.
- Last month, the club moved by consensus to make the club application for membership available for download. Joe Teakell made a motion to not put up the CentraMod Club Membership Application on the club website. Wylie Starnes seconded and the motion did not pass.
- Joe Teakell made a motion to not put up the CentraMod Club Membership Application on the club website until the membership policy had been reviewed by the Board of Directors. Ed Neill seconded and the motion passed. The Board of Directors are Bob Alston, Dan Ladd, Bill Lancaster, Ed Neill, Mike Ross, and Joe Teakell.
The meeting adjourned at 12:15.