President Earl Blanchette called the meeting to order at 10:33 AM.
Vice President Mike Cleveland presented President Blanchette with a plaque in recognition for his service as President for 2006 and 2007.
There were two corrections to the November minutes:
- The minutes listed Fred and Stacy Brice, and the correct last name is Price.
- The December Business meeting was December 1 instead of December 7.
Bill Lancaster moved to accept the minutes as corrected. J.C. Fischer seconded, and the motion carried.
Treasurer Betty Neill passed out a corrected October Treasurer’s Report and a November Treasurers Report. The October report handed out at the November meeting contained a transposed figure in the ending balance column, all other figures were correct. She then explained the November report in detail. J.C. Fischer moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Bill Lancaster seconded, and the motion carried.
Old Business
There was none to discuss
New Business
Earl Blanchette welcomed new members Fred and Stacy Price, and Stephanie Twyeffort.
Earl said that a thank you note had been received from the Underwood’s for their Centra-Mod mugs, and that Mr. Underwood has begun construction on his new layout.
There will be no run day this month.
Dan Ladd said that volunteers are needed for the museum display later this month. The museum asked if CentraMod would like contribute to the advertising expense for an opportunity to share in revenues from the exhibit. Ed Neill moved not to contribute and that the club will not expect any proceeds. Wiley Starnes seconded and the motion carried.
It was announced that due to the conflicting Waco Train Show on January 5 and 6, the January business meeting will be postponed until January 12.
A discussion concerning the HO modular layout and modules to be set up was held, and it was noted that due to the possibility of another HO group coming to the show, that the HO modular layout may not be set up.
Mike Cleveland announced that he would like to have a meeting with HO Scale members immediately following the business meeting, and encouraged other scales to do the same. He would like for each scale to have a scale coordinator for the January 2008 meeting.
Bill Lancaster announced that Ron Miller and the Hierzig’s had brought in numerous binders for the club’s collection of Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman magazines, and that he would not need to purchase any now. Bill also announced that there are cookies and cokes in the kitchen, courtesy of the Library.
It was announced that this would be Betty Neill’s last month as treasurer, and the club thanked her with a round of applause.
The 2008 Club Officers are:
- President: Wiley Starnes
- Vice President: Mike Cleveland
- Secretary: Clark Overman
- Treasurer: Dan Ladd
- Librarian/Stationmaster: Bill Lancaster
Dan Ladd announced that the museum would like to drop handcar operations on the first Saturday of the month, and extend the hours on the third Saturday to 11AM to 3PM. There was no objection voiced to the new schedule. More volunteers are needed to man the handcars. Dan Ladd, Ed Neill and Noel Cowling have been working with the handcars.
Betty Neill repeated her request for an up-to-date club inventory for each scale for insurance purposes. She would like to have this as soon as possible.
Ed Neill suggested that we apply for another grant from the E.R. Carpenter foundation. The club turned in attendance figures for the train show to the tourism board, and we can apply again next year. The consensus was for Ed Neill to pursue these items further.
Betty reminded members that have not already done so to pick up their two club coffee mugs.
Noel Cowling moved to adjourn. Mike Cleveland seconded and the meeting adjourned at 11:10 with no objections.