The meeting was called to order April 4th at 7:10 PM by Club President Bill Lancaster. The next business meeting will be May 2nd and the next Run Day will be April 26th.
The minutes for March were introduced. A motion was made and seconded to accept as presented. The motion carried.
The financial statement for March was presented, explained, and accepted.
Old Business
It was suggested that the Fire Insurance policy be reviewed based on the monthly expense to the club.
Bill Lancaster and Ed Neill checked with TXU to have the electrical meter tested. All circuits were turned off and the meter still ran. They will check for other users and report their findings next month.
Betty will check on how many vendors have signed up for the Train Show.
Signs have now been hung on both ends of the building with. Plaudits once again to Dan Ladd for ajob well done!
Two vendors proposals for the memorial plaque were discussed along with a catalog showing various optoins. A motion to purchase was made after which discussion ensued. A counter motion was made to table further discussions until the club had more time to consider and passed. Motions will be considered at May’s business meeting.
Playground construction will begin on or about April 22nd. The Parks Department expects us to be open that day. The club donated $500 for portable potties.
Ed Neill discussed a need for improved lighting in the baggage area. He recommended flourescent lighting strips on separate circuits. The membership wanted to wait to see if the electric bill situation will allow for the expense. A motion was made to table for further discussion, seconded, and passed.
New Business
The Lorena Blue Bonnet Festival is being held next Saturday, April 12th. N Scale and Lionel will be setting up in the downtown area.
The Train show is scheduled September 20th and 21st. Packets have been sent to vendors and some have been returned.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.