The meeting was called to order on March 7th at 7:15 PM by Club President Bill Lancaster. The next business meeting is April 4th and the next Run Day is March 15th.
The minutes for February were introduced. A motion was made and seconded to accept as presented. The motion carried.
The financial statement for February was presented and accepted.
Old Business
A floral wreath was sent to the Flentges on behalf of the club.
The bidding for the outdoor sign has been resubmitted due to updated graphics.
Money for the Historic Temple Layout will be donated by Mary Irving.
Construction on the Whistle Stop Playground should begin soon.
Volunteer(s) are still needed to build a layout to be raffled at the September Train Show. See Bill Lancaster if you are interested.
New Business
We need a PR Committee to focus on building local media coverage. If you can assist here, please let Bill Lancaster or Ed Neill know. The appropriate Model RR Magazines have already been notified.
The Kiddee Layout is once again in great shape. Thanks go out to Earl Blanchette and Wiley Starnes.
We had a good turnout on the last Run Day and lots of visitors.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.