The meeting was called to order on May 7th at 7:15 PM by Club President Ron Miller. The next business meeting will be June 4th and the next Run Day will be May 15th.
The minutes for April were introduced. Bill Lancaster made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Kennedy Gauger seconded and the motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Betty Neill. Thus far, 114 tables have been sold for the coming show. A refund was made for 5 tables previously purchased. The report was accepted.
Old Business
Kennedy furnished membership rosters.
Additional light fixtures were installed at a cost of 6 admission tickets and 15 raffle tickets.
New Business
Chip Eller visited the club. He models in N and 0 Scale.
Ed Neill conducted an electricity-usage survey using sign in/sign out sheets for the month of March. According to the information on hand, we had 74 hours used over 19 days, including four Saturdays and two Sundays. Our electrical usage averaged out to approximately $2/hr.
Bill Lancaster reports that preparations are progressing on the Train Show.
On Monday, 10 May 2004, the club will have visitors from Copperas Cove/Gatesville at 9AM. Bill Lancaster will serve as host.
Remember, if you would like to present a clinic, be sure to sign up on the sheet in the lobby. Joe Pyland presented a clinic on DCC immediately after the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8 PM.