The meeting for February 2009 was called to order February 7th in the historic Moody Depot by Club President Wiley Starnes at 10:31.
The minutes for December 2008 were presented. A motion was made by Trace Bowen and seconded by Mike Ross to approve the minutes as read. The motion passed.
The minutes for January 2009 were presented. Dick Copeland made a motion to approve the minutes as read as they only reflect the discussion among club members after it was discovered a quorum was not present and should not be considered minutes of a meeting for which a quorum was present. Mike Ross seconded and the motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted and read by Betty Neill. Dan Ladd was on a mission trip to Africa.
The Finance Committee met on December 10th and 30th, 2008 to develop the 2009 Operating Budget. Betty Neill presented and read the 2009 Operating Budget. The budget was accepted.
Old Business
Wylie Starnes reminded everyone that the 2009 dues are due and can be mailed to the club’s Post Office box.
Bylaws Committee Chairman Bill Lancaster reported that the board of directors accepted the new bylaws this morning before the business meeting and they were now in effect. The annual meeting will be held March 7th, 2009 to elect a new board. Wylie Starnes declared the Bylaws Committee discharged.
Library – Bill Lancaster reported that the club had recently received a large donation of magazine back issues.
Inventory – Betty Neill said she would like to start going over the inventory info with all of the scales next month.
Train Show – Jim Bush reported that the vendor train show packets were mailed out on January 15th. He wants to request help from the Temple Chamber of Commerce in developing a contingency plan for the 2009 show.
Baylor University Mayborn Museum Exhibit – Ron Miller thanked everyone that helped out. More than 12,800 visited the exhibit. Baylor invited the club to display again in December 2009. Ed Neill requested that Ron get a letter of appreciation from Baylor to include with the club’s 501(c)(3) application.
Waco Train Show – Ron Miller thanked everyone that participated in this show after all the time they put in at the Baylor show. Everyone agreed that it was a better show than in 2008. The show is scheduled again for 2010.
New Business
The following new members were welcomed:
- Scott Lee and Virginia model in HO.
- Dave Fuller models in HO.
- Nancy Lathrop models in HO.
Mike Cleveland resigned as Vice President and Clinic Committee Chair under favorable terms and returned his key to the depot. His resignation letter was read to the assembly.
Dick Copeland volunteered to serve as the Clinic Committee Chair.
Dick Copeland made a motion to send a letter of appreciation to Mike Cleveland expressing thanks for his service. Steffon Norris seconded and the motion passed. Wylie Starnes volunteered to write the letter.
A letter from the Temple Railroad and Heritage Museum was read thanking the club for supporting their January 9, 2009 Family Day activities.
A letter from the Temple Railroad and Heritage Museum was read thanking the club for supporting their 2008 Christmas Train Layout during which was exhibited to 1,265 people and school groups.
San Antonio World’s Greatest Hobby Show – Steffon Norris made a motion for the club to officially participate in the San Antonio World’s Greatest Hobby Show with the setup, operation, and takedown of the G Scale traveling layout. Anybody that would like to go should see Ron Miller.
Bradley Linda made a motion requesting permission to invite the Central Texas Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society and members of the Temple Railroad and Heritage Museum to an operating session on February 28th and run the HVAC as required. Mike Hitzfelder seconded and the motion passed.
Bradley Linda passed around pictures of the train order signal that has been offered as a donation to the club. Joe Pyland made a motion for Bradley Linda to acquire permission from the City of Temple to display the signal and explore firm costs for installing and restoring the signal. Mike Hitzfelder seconded and the motion passed.
The Blooming Temple Festival will be held April 18, 2009. Bradley Linda made a motion to move run day from April 18th to April 25th. Trace Bowen seconded and the motion passed.
Trace Bowen made a motion to move the business meeting and public open house from July 4, 2009 to July 11, 2009. Steffon Norris seconded and the motion passed.
Trace Bowen made a motion to adjourn and Ron Miller seconded. The club adjourned at 12:04.