The meeting was called to order March 4th at 1 PM by Club President Earl Blanchette.
The minutes from February were introduced; a motion to accept as read was made by Joe Pyland and seconded by Bill Lancaster. The minutes were accepted.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented, explained, and accepted.
Old Business
Yahoo Groups was selected and Kennedy Gauger will be the moderator for the club message forums. A handout was available to club members. Kennedy gave a brief explanation about who will be able to access the groups. Joe Pyland explained what the groups were all about.
Mike Cleveland presented a draft letter to be used for the purpose of accepting donations. Suggestions were made to word smith and fine tune the letter. It was decided that more discussion was needed at a later meeting.
Pat Dye of the Museum needs to know if we will have volunteers to man and run the hand cars for the Temple 125th Aniv in April 2006. It was decided to finalize plans for this event at the April business meeting.
New Business
Librarian Bill Lancaster is editing and cataloging slides for your viewing pleasure.
Mike Cleveland expressed his opinion that we should develop an orientation packet for new members that would aid assigned “mentors” in introducing new members to how the club functions. He also asked if we should establish an age limit for unsupervised operations. He suggested forming operating protocols for each scale. A brief discussion ensued – some scales may need more stringent limits. The club by-laws do not address this topic. Earl will do more research and report at a later meeting.
Bill Lancaster reported on upcoming field trips for local schools as Spring approaches. Some will be visiting Wednesday, March 8th. Carol with the Santa Fe Depot is looking for volunteers to man and operate the hand cars.
Mike Cleveland proposed that the club purchase a printer to be used for train show activities, club functions, and related reports. Kennedy Gauger made a motion which was seconded by Paul Otis to purchase a printer. The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 2:25 PM.