The meeting for November 2006 was called to order on November 4th by Bill Lancaster at 1PM.
The minutes for October 2006 were presented; a motion was made by Troy Wolff and seconded by Ed Underwood to accept the minutes as read. The motion passed. The Treasurer’s report was submitted, read, and accepted. Betty reported there were already 109 tables sold for next year’s show.
Old Business
Kennedy reported on the club shirts; he presented two alternatives. Ed Underwood made a motion to delete the banner from the overall design for simplicity purposes. Howard Bell seconded. The motion passed. Betty offered clarification on our correct club name: CENTRA MOD, INC (Central Texas Area Model Railroaders). Kennedy will have final prices, materials, etc, by December dinner social.
Dan Ladd presented the Christmas Party package – includes 4 choices of entrees. After considering prices and available funds for dinner, there was a consensus to go with Pork Tenderloin. This Christmas Party will be held from 6 to 8 PM on December 1st.
Elections for officers for 2007: Howard Bell reported the following slate was chosen: Earl Blanchette – President; Mike Cleveland – VP; Betty Neill – Treasurer (for one more year); and Clark Overman for Secretary. There was an acclamation for the selected officers.
New Business
Troy Wolff suggested purchasing a plaque to recognize extra ordinary conduct of club business by members. This will be brought at next business meeting.
A motion by Trace was made to reschedule the January 6th meeting January 13th. Troy seconded the motion, and it passed. Wiley made a motion to start our business meetings at 10:30 AM, effective with Jan 07 meeting since we are now obligated to be open twice monthly. Erik seconded and the motion passed.
Betty reported that funds for 2006 still exist for each of the three scales and must be used before 31 December 2006. Also, when paying your dues for 2007, be sure to indicate your scale to Betty or on your check.
The meeting adjourned at 14:15.