The meeting for October 2006 was called to order October 7th by Club President Earl Blanchette at 1:05 PM.
The minutes for September 2006 were presented; a motion was made by Mike Cleveland and seconded by Bill Lancaster to accept the minutes as read. The motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted, read, and accepted. Betty reported on the show and it was a success. Pat yourselves on the back for a job well done!
We received a ‘Thank You’ card from Boy Scout Troop 261 for whom we provided a tour of the Depot.
Mike Cleveland reports we have sold 109 tables for 2007! He will provide the survey report with observations as soon as possible. Plaudits for Mike were encouraged by Ed Neill for his tireless efforts as the Train Show Coordinator. Way to go, Mike!
Ed Neill gave a final report on the building upgrades. He recommended we keep some reserves for contingency purposes such as painting the deck, additional skirting, etc.
Earl reports that effective January 2007, we will be open two Saturdays each month in accordance with our new lease agreement.
Betty has received the contract from the Convention Center for 2007 which needs to be executed as soon as possible. Kennedy Gauger made a motion to permit Betty Neill to formalize the contract with the city; Troy Wolff seconded the motion which passed. This will be our 25th show, on September 14-16, 2007.
Earl reports we have two upcoming shows: December 6th at the Mayborn Museum on the Baylor University Campus and January 7th at the Heart of Texas Fairgrounds in Waco. Ed Neill made a motion to allow the use of club logo, vests, etc, for these two shows. Keith Hartberg seconded, and the motion carried. Ron Miller then mentioned that the Baylor exhibition will give us good public exposure. Several members toured the museum last month for tentative layout locations.
Kennedy Gauger made a motion, seconded by Mike Cleveland, to arrange for our Christmas dinner at the Temple Santa Fe Depot on December 1, 2006. The motion carried.
Earl asked for volunteers, one from each scale, to form a nominating committee for next year’s officers. JC from N Scale, Troy from HO, and Howard from O Scale raised their hands.
Kennedy briefed members on the shirts with logos; he explained prices and options. Complete info will be presented next month.
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM.