The meeting for January 2007 was called to order January 13th by Club President, Earl Blanchette at 1304.
The minutes for November 2006 were presented; a motion was made by Trace Bowen and seconded by Kennedy Gauger to accept the minutes as read. The motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report for November and December 2006 was submitted, read, and accepted.
Old Business
Ron Miller presented a report on the train show held at the Baylor Mayborn Museum, December 8-21. Jim Bush displayed his HO layout. Modular layouts in Z, N, O, & G were also displayed. Baylor posted a thank you to the club for its support in the Waco newspaper. Baylor is talking about what they want to do with the club for the next and following years.
Ron also reported that the club received a donation for participating in the Waco Doll and Train Show, January 6-7. This year the train show expanded vendor participation while the doll show decreased in vendors.
Bob Alston announced that the Lone Star Region will be holding its convention in Austin June 6-10. He said that non-NMRA members can attend the convention by purchasing a temporary six month membership for $9.95.
Ed Neill passed out club certificates to Noel Cowling, Wiley Starnes, and Earl Blanchette in recognition for their efforts in restoring the Moody depot.
Kennedy Gauger reported on the club shirts. It was suggested at the last meeting that a modified club logo be considered for the shirts. A proof of the modified logo was passed around. It was agreed that the club would bear the one-time cost for the setup fee. Denim buttoned shirts will cost $21-27 and Polo shirts $17-23 depending on size. Kennedy will take orders for the shirts and collect payment for same. All orders for shirts need to be in by February 10.
The club still needs volunteers to provide refreshments and club clean-up for the remainder of the year.
Clark Overman discussed the need for volunteers in each of the scales to create and develop content for the club website. Ron Miller volunteered for N, Ed Neill volunteered for HO and basic club information, and Erik Boswell volunteered for O. It was suggested that the club could also link to the Lone Star Convention web site.
Each scale volunteer will be responsible for working with other club members in their scale to develop and then maintain web content for their specific scale. Club leadership will be responsible for approving and maintaining basic club information. Clark will provide general overall administrative oversight for the site.
New Business
Bill Lancaster will chair a committee to review the club’s bylaws. Ed Neill, Dan Ladd, and Wylie Starnes are committee members.
Jim Bush was named Train Show committee co-chair.
Earl Blanchette said we need to form a committee for the 25th Anniversay Train Show. Kennedy Gauger said we should instead consider making this a sub-committee of the Train Show to avoid confusion and duplication of effort.
Earl said he was working to get pricing on calendars, mugs, etc. to commemorate the train show’s 25th anniversary. Neal Locke passed around a professional looking 2007 Club Calendar with pictures from the 2006 Temple Train Show.
Bill Lancaster said he was preparing a schedule of run days to give to the museum.
Ed Neill said the club schedule has already been published three times in the local newspaper. It says the club will be open on the first and third Saturdays of each month.
Earl Blanchette said he was working on a sign for the clubhouse to post times open to the public. He also wants trainmasters to schedule members for running layouts from 1300-1700 on the first and third Saturdays of each month.
Ron Miller said there is a group of members that want to build HO modules to take to shows. He asked if the club would sell some HO modules that hadn’t been used for more than five years. This issue was tabled until the next meeting for the HO members to discuss.
Ed Neill said that on March 3rd the Museum hopes to have three busloads of adult visitors starting at 1100. They would like to visit the club. The business meeting is scheduled to start at 1030 based on the motion passed at November 2006’s meeting.
The Budget Finance Committee met on Jan 8 at the Neill residence to formulate the club’s 2007 budget. The committee consisted of Betty Neill, Earl Blanchette, Bill Lancaster, Wylie Starnes, and Mike Cleveland. Betty presented the projected income and expenses for 2007. Bob Alston moved to accept the budget. Neal Locke seconded. The budget was accepted.
The club adjourned at 1522.