The meeting was called to order on November 7th at 7:15 PM by Club President Bill Lancaster. The next business meeting will be held January 9th, 2004.
The minutes, which had been previously printed, were nowhere to be found. They will be available at the November Run Day.
The financial statement was presented and accepted.
Old Business
Ed Neill wanted to resurface the procurement of flourescent lighting for the rear area. He will request another quote from Brown Electrical and have them include remote switches in the back area as opposed to using the panel boxes each time. A motion was made to solicit bids by Ed Neill and seconded by Paul Otis. The motion carried.
It was decided to hold our annual Christmas Party at the Dynasty Chinese Restaurant on Airport Road (Highway 53) at 6 PM on December 13th. Members were requested to RSVP by November 15th (Run Day). As usual, there will be the outlandish exchange of gifts with presents to be in the $10. range. Let’s have a good turn out.
New Business
The CofC is forming an electrical commission in an effort to get better rates for the membership. The Central Texas Electrical Coalition will solicit electrical providers. A motion was made by Ed Underwood to join this effort and seconded by Randy Hiersig. The motion carried. A letter will be mailed.
The nominating committee submitted the following names to the membership for consideration as officers for 2004:
- President: Ron Miller, Lorena
- Vice-President: Earl Blanchette, Lorena
- Secretary: Mike Ross, Copperas Cove
- Treasurer: Betty Neill, Temple
Dan Ladd made a motion to close the nominations and it was seconded by Paul Otis. The motion carried.
Paul made a motion to accept the slate by acclamation, Gordon Locke seconded, and the motion carried.
Them meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.