The Membership Meeting for September 2009 was called to order September 5th in the historic Moody Depot by Club President Wiley Starnes at 10:26.
The minutes for August 2009 were presented. A motion was made by Bradley Linda and seconded by Bill Lancaster to accept the minutes as read. The motion passed. The Treasurer’s report was submitted, read, and accepted.
Old Business
Raffle Layout – The layout was displayed at the Temple Mall the last two weekends of August and a number of raffle tickets were sold. Extraco Bank sponsored the raffle layout again this year. Because of member donations, the layout was under budget and the excess funds will be placed back in the general fund.
Train Show – Jim Bush said that new members will not be listed on the train show worksheet. If you want to volunteer, come to the info table at the show. Setup on Friday, September 18th will run from 1500-2200. This is when help will be most needed. Show tear-down will run from 1700-2100 on Sunday, September 20th. During the show, if you want something to do, come to the information booth. Wiley Starnes asked members to talk to vendors and see how they would feel about moving the show to a weekend in October to avoid conflict with hurricanes. Bill Lancaster said the depot needs to be cleaned today in preparation for the train show open house.
Ron Miller submitted the only bid for the N Scale layout up for auction.
Dan Ladd still needs track, trains, and transformers for the RRHM Christmas display.
New Business
Wiley Starnes announced:
- Troy Wolff is no longer a club member.
- Dave Douglass is a new member from Belton, TX who models in HO.
- Egon Schlottmann is a new member from Waco, TX who models in HO.
- The Annual Meeting will be held November 7th. Three director positions will be voted on. If you want to serve as a director, turn your name into the club secretary. The deadline for nominations is the October Membership Meeting.
- The January Membership meeting will be held the third weekend of January 2010 due to conflicts the first two weekends with the Baylor and Waco shows.
Mike Hitzfelder announced that the Austin Steam Train Association is seeking volunteers October 9-11. See Mike for more information if you are interested.
Bradley Linda made a motion to run the HVAC on Labor Day for an HO operating session. Steve Wyatt seconded and the motion passed.
Steve Wyatt announced he had a Gorre & Daphetid photo collage CD if anyone is interested.
The relationship between CentraMod and the RRHM was discussed. Wiley Starnes said he would ask the RRHM why they claimed they were holding an HO operating session in the Cowcatcher Magazine.
Bradley Linda made a motion to adjourn and Trace Bowen seconded. The club adjourned at 11:18.