The meeting called to order on July 2nd at 1 PM by Club Vice President Earl Blanchette.
The minutes for June were introduced. Joe Pyland mad a motion to accept the minutes as read. Mike Cleveland seconded, and the motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted by Betty Neill. Thus far, the club has sold 133 tables. The insurance premium for the following year has been paid. The report was accepted.
New Business
One of our life members, Ernie Hansbearry, has moved to Bellevue, Washington, and another, Annie Adams, has moved to San Antonio.
Dieter Hierzig would like to move the TV equipment out of the library to accommodate users. This was tabled for discussion at the next business meeting.
Mike Cleveland will postpone clinics until after the Train Show. Be sure to sign up for any clinics you care to conduct, both for the Show and Run Days.
Ed Neill reported that the 1st National Bank (Extraco) will once again sponsor the club’s raffle layout. Thanks to them!
The meeting adjourned at 1:20 PM.