The meeting was called to order on November 5 at 7:05 PM by Club President Ron Miller.
No minutes were available from the last meeting.
The Treasurer Report was given by Betty Neill.
Old Business
Meeting Schedule for Holidays – There will be no business meeting December 3rd and no Run Day December 18th. The Christmas Party will be held on December l0th at the Santa Fe Depot. Reservations are due by December 3rd. Members interested in attending should phone or e-mail Dan Ladd. Attendance is presently projected at 39. A gift exchange will be held with a limit of one $10 gift per family.
Club members were reminded to sign in when they come down to the club and turn everything off when they leave.
A motion was made by Bill Lancaster to return Run Day eats to just refreshments and goodies only beginning in January 2005. It was seconded by Craig Lancaster and the motion carried.
Layout bids were accepted and member Bill Lancaster was the highest bidder. The layout was awarded to him.
New Business
A number of new members were introduced this month. They included:
- Bobby & Linda Cooksey
- Frank & Bettye Harlan
- Kirk & Mindy Chubb
- Bill White
- Mike Cleveland
- J.C. Fisher
- Dan O’Hara
The Nominating Committee Chairman, Earl Blanchette, presented nominations for the 2005 officer positions:
- President: Ron Miller
- Vice-President: Earl Blanchett
- Treasurer: Betty Neill
- Secretary: Mike Ross
- Train Show Coordinator: Bill Lancaster
The floor was then open for other nominations. None were offered. A motion was made by Joe Pyland to close nominations and seconded by Craig Lancaster. The motion carried.
Bob Alston motioned that the slate of officers for 2005 be elected by acclamation. It was seconded by Gordon Locke and the motion carried. The new officers elected for 2005 will be the names stated above.
Joe Pyland motioned that all political advertisements pertaining to any candidate for election be prohibited from the clubhouse. It was seconded by Bill Lancaster and the motion carried.
Joe Teakell motioned that the club create a new category of membership to be known as the Military Association Membership for those people who are deployed during their membership year which will equal their dues being suspended and then pro-rated to the nearest month of their return. Since they are not present, they will not hold office or vote, but may attend the Christmas party if here. It was seconded by J.C. Fisher and the motion carried.
The members discussed the purchase of a TV/VCR/DVD player. Gordon Locke suggested that funds be designated for the purchase of a TV/VCR/DVD player, a security system, and a cart. Ron Miller will explore the proposed items for purchase. It was seconded by Joe Pyland and the motion carried.
A Motion was made by Joe Pyland to designate both Saturday and Sunday of the Train Show as Military Appreciation Days for active military and their dependents. It was seconded by Craig Lancaster and the motion carried.
A motion to adjourn was made by Bill Lancaster and seconded by Randy Hiersig. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned