The meeting was called to order on August 1st at 7: 15 PM by Dan Ladd, sitting in for Club President Bill Lancaster.
The minutes for July were presented. Joe Teakell made a motion to accept as presented and Ed Neill seconded. The minutes were accepted.
The financial report was presented by Ed Neill. As of this date, 115 tables have been sold for the show, down considerably from last year. The report was accepted as read.
Old Business
The run scheduled for the weekends of 23/24 and 30/31 August at the Temple Mall has been confirmed. We plan on setting up Friday, August 22nd and will have room for the raffle layout, one 8’xl6’ layout, and subject to availability, the Thomas layout.
We will have a work session for the Historic Temple Layout on Saturday, August 9th.
Approximately 150 children will be visiting the Santa Fe depot on August 6 and 7 starting at l0 AM.
New Business
September show committees have been assigned. Bill will coordinate clinics.
Joe Teakell made a motion to purchase another lot of large club patches, as we have run out of our initial purchase. Ed Underwood seconded and the motion passed. Betty Neill will make arrangesments for placing a new order.
The meeting adjourned at 8 PM.