The meeting was called to order on January 15th by Club President Ron Miller.
No copies of the November meeting minutes were available.
The Treasurer Report was unavailable due to Treasurer illness.
Old Business
Ron reported to the club that he had awarded Ernie Hansberry his plaque. The club received the folloing letter from Ernie:
Soon to be grading the ROW and laying the track
Thank you so much for the award. There are many who certainly deserve it more. I accept it with much humility and pride; proud of the work that has been accomplished mostly by all of you. I envision our RR will someday rival Jolm Allen’s “Gorre & Daphetid”, which exists only in photographs.
Again, thank you so much – it was a wonderful surprise.
Ernie Hansbearry
Chief Gandy Dancer
New Business
The refreshment list for 2005 was made available for sign-up. Members were reminded that it is SNACKS only.
Remember that club dues are now being accepted for this next year.
Dieter Hierzig has completed the library inventory and catalog for finding magazine issues and articles. He requested that these materials not leave the building.
A motion was made by Bill Lancaster for Train Show table prices to be increased to $30.00 per table. Those vendors that sign-up for tables and pay at the Show will receive a 10% discount on the regular table rate. The motion was seconded by Ed Neill and carried.
A motion was made by Mike Cleveland to form a committee to develop clinics to advance the hobby. The motion was seconded by Bill Lancaster and carried. Mike Cleveland volunteered to be co-coordinator for the clinics.
Discussion was opened about adding another run day, setting dates for business/work days, clinic/run days, or leaving things as is. A motion was made by Ed Neill to have a business Meeting at 11:00 AM followed by Run Day at 1:00 PM on February 19th as a trial for possible change to the current schedule of events. The motion was seconded by Ed Underwood and carried.
Dan Ladd was asked to investigate the purchase of possibly two CentraMod signs for display.
Members were reminded that if they visited other train shows to please pick up flyers for the Temple Model Train Show and place those at the other show registration tables.
Members were remined to be sure and check the lock and key as you enter and exit. It can be a little tricky and should be checked by everyone entering or leaving while using a key.
News was shared that member Buddy Burke had reportedly had a heart attack and was doing okay.
Sadly, we learned of the passing of Nita Moore.
The meeting was adjourned by the President.