The meeting was called to order on September 5th at 1:05 PM by Club President Ron Miller.
The minutes for August were introduced. Bill Lancaster made motion to accept as presented and Mike Cleveland seconded. The minutes were accepted.
Betty Neill distributed the Treasurer’s Report. The club has sold all available tables for the Train Show. The report was accepted as read.
Old Business
Train Show Reports – Bill Lancaster reported that all appeared to be ready. Security for the show will run from 9 PM Friday through 9 AM Sunday. Members are asked to be diligent and watchful Sunday.
Bill wants to meet at the Moody Depot on Friday at 10 AM to load up. The club purchased a TV cart from Sam’s Club. Please let Mike Cleveland know if you will require a PC and projector for any clinics/presentations. Newspaper coverage has been increasing. Coffee and donuts are on order and a cake has been ordered for Saturday night’s Open House. We need a volunteer for Sunday from 9:30 AM till the show opening. Dieter Hiersig volunteered.
Wiley Stearnes made a motion to move the January 2006 business meeting to the second Saturday (January 14th). Bruce Koehler seconded, and the motion passed. Run Day will be on January 21st.
Volunteers are still needed to run trains on the weekend after the Tempel Model Train Show in support of the Texas Train Show (September 24th from 10-4 PM). Sunday times are tentative.
Christmas Party – Dan Ladd reserved the Santa Fe Depot for Friday, December 5th. We will have same caterer as last year and the dinner sill start at approximately 7 PM. Joe Teakell made a motion to table further discussion on the Christmas Party until the next business meeting in order to explore other options. Richard Leonberger seconded and the motion passed.
New Business
Richard Leonberger suggested and solicited club comment on offering a club car for our 25th Aniversary show in 2007. Bob Alston suggested club decals as an alternative. T-Shirts were also suggested.
The meeting adjourned at 2PM.