The meeting was called to order on September 3rd at 7:15 PM by Club President Ron Miller. The next business meeting will be on October 1st. There will be no Run Day in September.
The minutes for August were introduced. Joe Pyland motioned to accept the minutes as amended. The motion was seconded and the minutes were accepted.
The financial report was introduced and accepted after an explanation by Betty Neill.
Old Business
The club will exhibit at the Temple Mall from 9-9 Saturday, 12-6 Sunday, and 9-9 Monday, 28 & 29 August and 4, 5, & 6 September respectively.
We can’t take the donated layout to the show due to lack of space. Joe Pyland made a motion to accept sealed bids. Bids will be submitted to the Club’s PO Box postmarked not later than October 15th and the winning bid will be determined November’s business meeting. Bob Alston seconded and the motion passed. The layout can be viewed at Bill Lancaster’s home by appointment.
Harold Trammel passed away recently and a memorial tag with his name has been added to the plaque.
New Business
Guests included Rickie Gibson and Chip Eller of Temple. If there names are misspelled a name, it’s because the table fell on the club secretary earlier. Joe Pyland mentioned that the first order of business should be to replace said table, but he never made a motion to do so! We hope to have this fixed shortly.
Overdue library items have been posted.
Train Show Update – Articles will be published in the Temple Daily Telegram and also in their Leisure magazine.
A vendor needs another table with electrical outlet for unique apparatus. Bill Lancaster will discuss this with the convention center.
Dan Ladd submitted a proposal for the Christmas Party party to be held on Friday, December 10th at the Santa Fe Depot. The menu was submitted, and included a choice of pot roast, stuffed chicken, and glazed ham. Gordon Locke made a motion to accept the proposal and Ed Underwood seconded. A vote was taken to decide on the fare. The majority selected stuffed chicken. It was not made clear with what the chicken would be stuffed. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.