The meeting for June 2009 was called to order June 6th in the historic Moody Depot by Club President Wiley Starnes at 10:30.
The minutes for May 2009 were presented. A motion was made by Trace Bowen and seconded by Mike Ross to accept the minutes as read. The motion passed. The Treasurer’s report was submitted, read, and accepted.
Old Business
The RRHM is asking for volunteers to operate their hand cars. See the museum for details.
Bill Lancaster reported on past-due library materials. A large quantity of duplicate magazines has been sold.
Building Committee – Ed Neill had nothing to report.
Train Show – Jim Bush reported that letters had been sent to all members. A list of members that hadn’t responded was given to the club president. Print ads will be run in the Cowcatcher and Model Railroader. Internet ads will run in the Marker Lamp, City of Temple, Trains, and Model Railroader News websites. Jim said he is working on the raffle layout scenery. Amtrak will be present at this year’s show. Volunteers for setup and teardown are particularly needed. The raffle tumbler needs repair. Anyone who can spot weld should see Jim Bush. Ed Neill discussed his ideas on distributing complimentary tickets.
Ron Miller reported that setup for the Baylor Museum exhibit would begin on 12/1 and display from 12/5 through 1/3. Teardown would begin on 1/4 and move to the Waco Train Show on 1/8 for display from 1/9-1/10. Joe Pyland made a motion for the Baylor and Waco shows to be official club functions. Trace Bowen seconded and the motion passed.
New Business
Steffon Norris made a motion for this year’s Christmas Dinner and Membership Meeting to be held on 12/3 at Raymond’s in Lorena. Joe Pyland seconded and the motion passed.
Dan Ladd reported that the accountant said the club does not have to file a Form 990 this year. Steffon Norris made a motion to give complimentary train show tickets to the accountant. Steve Wyatt seconded and the motion passed.
BNSF asked if the club would like to host an open house from 1000-1200 on June 18th and 19th in conjunction with their train special. Joe Pyland made a motion to host an open house for BNSF. Trace Bowen seconded and the motion passed. Bill Lancaster will decide if the HVAC needs to be operated.
Wiley Starnes reported that the Board has changed the name of the monthly meeting from Business Meeting to Membership Meeting.
Wiley Starnes announced that a Change of Information form was now available in the depot and on the website in the Member’s Only area.
Wiley Starnes announced that Ron Miller has volunteered to serve as Assistant Treasurer.
Wiley Starnes announced that some members had been dropped from the membership roll at the last board meeting for non-payment of dues.
The next Membership Meeting is July 11, 2009.
Bill Lancaster said to see him to exchange your keys to the depot.
Noel Cowling offered to explore setting up a BNSF Temple Facilities tour for club members this fall.
The HO Operations clinic for 6/13 has been moved to 6/27.
Brad’s Trains is offering a 30% group club order discount on Digitrax DCC equipment and decoders. See Joe Pyland for details.
Joe Pyland made a motion to adjourn and Mike Ross seconded. The club adjourned at 11:26.