The meeting for February 2008 was called to order February 2nd by Club President Wiley Starnes at 10:28.
The minutes for December 2007 were presented. Corrections were noted for the new members’ names posted last month. A motion was made by Troy Wolff and seconded by Trace Bowen to accept the minutes as corrected and the motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted and read. The 2008 budget was presented. Eric Boswell made a motion to accept, Mike Ross seconded, and the motion passed.
Old Business
2008 dues must be paid by February run day. Scale disbursements will then be determined and announced at the March business meeting.
There has been no progress made on the by-laws. The committee will be meeting on this soon.
Club members were reminded that they need to be sure to sign in and out when coming to the clubhouse.
Bill Lancaster said there are still past due items that need to be returned to the library.
Ed Neill has found a price to replace the water fountain. Ed made a motion to remove the fountain and not replace it. Mike Hitzfelder seconded. Nine voted to remove and not replace the fountain, eight voted to replace the fountain. The motion passed to remove the fountain and Bill Lancaster will oversee the removal.
Betty Neill reported that the CPA has all of the information needed to complete the Form 990.
Mike Ross asked for a status on putting the club membership forms on the club website. Bradley Linda made a motion to put the application and dues information on the website and Bruce Kohler seconded. Ron Miller made a motion to table putting membership info on the web and for a vote to be held at the March business meeting. Mike Hitzfelder seconded and the motion passed.
Ron Miller asked who the board members are. Wiley Starnes said they are Bob Alston, Dan Ladd, Betty Neill, Mike Ross, and Joe Teakell.
Ron Miller reported that the G Scale Circus Layout display at the Railroad and Heritage Museum went well. They set up a 20’ circle layout. Earl Blanchette, Wiley Starnes, and Noel Cowling helped out. The club received a thank you letter from Jeremy Krauss, Museum Media/Volunteer Coordinator, that read:
Thank you so much for your assistance in finding a modeler who owned a circus train set. I really enjoyed working with Ron Miller.
Please extend my appreciation to all who were involved in the set up and tear down of the layout.
We had many people who came just to see the layout. Thank you for your continued support and for helping to make our January Family Day special.
Jim Bush gave an update on the Train Show. All of the vendor tables have been sold and there is now a waiting list. The Appreciation Party Committee members are Jim Bush, Wiley Starnes, and Bill Lancaster. Additional committee announcements will be made next month. Mike Ross is working on the raffle layout and the table construction is finished. Wiley said if a club member will be working for a vendor at the show to let Jim know in advance. Mike Cleveland suggested that a club member consider co-chairing the show with Jim.
New Business
Jim Moody was welcomed as a new member.
Wiley Starnes announced the passing of Master Model Railroader Lorrell Joiner on December 8th, 2007 and Bill McClanahan on January 11th, 2008.
New lights were installed in the library and small bathroom.
Betty Neill reported that Trace Bowen and Florence Hiersig have volunteered to help her with inventory.
Joe Pyland will give a clinic on improving Athearn RTR performance at 11:00 on February run day.
Ron Miller and Mike Cleveland will check into an alternative electrical utility plan for the club since utilities are the biggest portion of the budget.
Wiley Starnes asked if anyone had any suggestions for the December Christmas Party. No other suggestion was made except to have one this year.
The Blooming Temple Festival will be held April 12-13, 2008. The city has asked the club to hold an open house that weekend or set up a layout in the museum. There were no volunteers to set up a layout in the museum. Wiley Starnes said to think about it and the matter will be discussed at the March business meeting.
Kennedy Gauger has returned his club key. He is too busy living in Austin and working in San Antonio to actively participate. However, he does look forward to visiting when he is able.
The club was invited to the Railroad and Heritage Museum Volunteer Appreciation dinner.
Mike Ross made a motion to adjourn. Bradley Linda seconded, and the club adjourned at 11:35.