The meeting was called to order at 1:05 PM on January 14th by newly elected Club President Earl Blanchette.
Earl read the minutes for November. Betty Neill made a motion to accept the minutes as read, and Joe Pyland seconded. The motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report for November and December 2005 were distributed to the membership. The report was accepted.
Old Business
Betty requested a motion from the floor to appoint Dan Ladd as Assistant Treasurer so he can be added to the signature card at the bank. Joe Pyland motioned, and Bill Lancaster seconded. The motion passed. Dan Ladd will be the Assistant Treasurer.
A memoriam was sent on behalf of the club to the Hierzig family and we received a card of thanks. Former member James West donated a 3-D puzzle of New York City. Bill Lancaster indicated that the Temple Library had expressed an interest in the same for display. Ed Neill made a motion to donate the puzzle, and Wiley Starnes seconded. The motion passed.
The budget for CY 2006 was distributed to the membership. Members of the Budget Committee were Bill Lancaster, N Scale; Mike Cleveland, HO; Wiley Stearnes, O; and the committee was chaired by Betty Neill, Club Treasurer.
Discussions on utility usage ensued. A motion was made to add a lock to the fuse box by Wiley Starnes. The motion was seconded and passed. Another discussion centered on the increasing cost of utilities. It was suggested that the budget be amended to include these costs. A motion was made by Joe Pyland to table further budget considerations pending a review in 90 days. The motion was seconded and passed. The budget as presented by the Committee and with the inclusion of the two motions was approved.
New Business
An Ad Hoc committee was formed to examine the proposal for a lease renewal of the Depot. The committee will be chaired by Ed Neill and members Bruce Koehler, Dan Ladd, Bill Lancaster and Bob Alston.
Bill Lancaster made a motion to name the Club Library the Dieter Hierzig Library in honor of Dieter’s long and arduous hours. The motion was seconded and carried.
Mike Cleveland made a proposal to try and have quarterly field trips to visit other member’s home layouts.
Bill Lancaster offered his N Scale layout to the club for the 2006 raffle layout, gratis! It will need motive power and rolling stock. The club accepted this generous gift.
The club’s historic layout is in need of workers. See Dan Ladd on how you can help out.
Mike Cleveland reminded the club that clinics are to be held on each workday effective with February’s business and work meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 2:45PM.