The meeting for September 2008 was called to order September 6th by Club President Wiley Starnes at 11:00.
The minutes for August 2008 were presented. Betty Neill noted one correction to be made under Old Business – Train Show: Earl Blanchette’s name was misspelled Early Blanchette. Joe Pyland made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected and Bill Lancaster seconded. The motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted and read.
Old Business
Temple Mall Display – Bill Lancaster thanked those who participated in the Temple Mall showing during the weekends of August 30-31 September 6-7, 2008. Thanks also went out to Homer Martin who sold raffle layout tickets at the depot on Run Day. Betty Neill said she has pre-sale tickets for those that want them.
Raffle Layout – Mike Ross reported that the layout is 99% complete and ready for the show.
Train Show – Jim Bush Show handed out the schedule and list of duties. Be sure to refer all questions to personnel at the information table to preclude any potential misunderstanding. Ron Miller asked for help loading/unloading at the Mayborn Center and Depot at 9:00 AM on September 19th.
Noel Cowling reminded everyone of the Santa Fe facility tours in October and November.
New Business
Wiley Starnes has directed a reduction in AC usage in order to try and stay within the budgeted amount for electricity.
The RR&HM has requested the club’s participation again this year with the operation of a Christmas layout. Any conflict with the Baylor Museum activities will have to be resolved. Noel Cowling made a motion to make this a club activity and it was seconded by Bradley Linda. The motion passed.
The club Christmas dinner will be held December 4th from 7-9PM. Bradley Linda made a motion to conduct the December business meeting at this dinner. Joe Pyland seconded and the motion passed.
See Ron Miller if you can operate layouts at the Baylor Mayborn Museum in December.
Bill Lancaster was asked to run trains at an Assisted Living/Nursing Home on September 11th.
Wiley Starnes asked for names of members who would like to serve on the Board of Directors.
Betty Neill reported that the Mayborn Civic Center may raise their facility rent. If a contract for 2009 is signed immediately following this year’s show, we may be able to rent at the 2008 rate. Bradley Linda made a motion to contract as early as possible and Bruce Koehler seconded. The motion passed.
The depot cleanup will be conducted on September 13th at 9:00 AM.
Joe Pyland made a motion to adjourn. The club adjourned at 12:00.