The meeting for July 2006 was called to order on July 1 by Club president Earl Blanchette at 1PM. The next run day is scheduled for July 15th and the next business meeting will be August 5th.
The minutes for May and June 2006 were presented; a motion was made by Bill Lancaster to accept the minutes as read and was seconded by Ed Neill. The motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted, read, and accepted. As of July 1st, we have sold 158 tables for the September Train Show.
Old Business
Ed Neill reported on renovations to the depot. The building and contents insurance will increase. Ed has decided to have all of the rain gutters replaced with new aluminum gutters. He has also decided to remove two doors from the north side of the building and replace them with windows similar to those being installed now. There will be no need to insulate as there is insulation in the baggage area now. We still need to replace two other doors and paint the overhead brackets, and locate more-efficient floor vents for the air conditioning.
We have acquired storage space at the KATY Depot.
A work day for clean-up prior to the September show will be scheduled.
New Business
The modules from the back room need to be moved to the storage area. They have not been used in over seven years and are in disrepair.
Dan Ladd reports it was never Pat Dye’s intention to schedule hand car operation on our meeting dates.
Neal Locke presented the work schedule for the Train Show. If you see any scheduling problems or conflicts, please contact him or Betty Neill.
Betty reported that Darlene Vance, who currently fabricates our vests, is now living in an assisted living center. It was suggested that a letter of appreciation be prepared and presented to her for her past efforts for the club. Earl Blanchette also suggested letters of appreciation be prepared for Melody Locke and Rhoda Bolton for their generous donation of the badges to the club.
The meeting adjourned at 2PM.