The meeting was called to order on March 5th at 7:05 PM by Club President Ron Miller. The next business meeting will be April 2nd and the next Run Day will be March 20th.
The minutes for February were presented. A motion to accept was made and seconded. The minutes were accepted as written.
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Ed Neill and accepted.
Old Business
The lights will hopefully be installed the week of March 8th, but surely before the next Run Day.
The Refreshment Sign-Up list was completed and posted in the kitchen.
All dues for 2004 have been paid.
The front A/C and Heater has been fixed.
New Business
Bill Lancaster made a motion to extend Life Memberships to Ernie Hansbearry and Howard Bell. Gordon Locke seconded, and the motion passed. Since their dues for 2004 have already been paid, this presentation will be made at the year-end Christmas party.
Kirk Chubb made a motion to make a membership poster with pictures for the wall. We will try and assemble the masses at the run date if we can get them to stand still long enough for pictures. The motion carried.
Train Show – Bill still needs help with committees. Wiley Starnes and Earl Blanchette will tentatively go forward with the raffle layout in S Scale, a first.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.