The meeting was called to order on June 7 at 7:10 PM by Club President Bill Lancaster in the Moody Depot. This was our first business meeting in the new location. The next business meeting will be on July 12th.
The minutes of the last business meeting were approved as presented.
Betty Neill distributed the Treasurer’s Report. It was approved as presented. She reported 105 tables have been sold for the train show to date. 123 tables had been sold last year by this date.
Old Business
Renovations costs for the depot’s ramp were discussed. An additional cost was incurred because workers had to cut into the existing ramp and install an extension.
Betty reminded everyone they need to get back into the habit of signing in and out. She has provided plenty of sign-in sheets.
Ed Neill said that in addition to the ramp expenses, we are also to renovate the bathrooms. Painting and electrical work will also still be required. A decision will need to be made on whether to buy paint and do the work ourselves or hire someone to do the painting. Mary Irving has paint numbers for the depot interior and exterior colors. Bill Lancaster will follow up with her.
Ed presented a quick overview of the electrical circuits. He will label them on the breaker box for easy identification. He stressed that when we turn on the lights, we should wait a bit before turning on the air conditioning in order to avoid expensive electrical surge charges.
Ed also noted that insulation is needed for the outside walls in the warehouse section. Styrofoam with an R rating could be placed between studs and still retain the authentic look of the depot. Ed will get pricing for the insulation before a final decision is made.
A unanimous vote gave Ed the authority to spend whatever amount is required to accomplish additional renovation projects.
New Business
Train Show Report:
- Bob Alston reported that all layouts have committed except for G scale. We have three N scale layouts who would like to set up and can only accommodate two, so we will rotate them – two years in and one out.
- Most slots are filled on the committees.
- We will have a party for the vendors and Bill Lancaster will handle the details.
Betty Neill reported that she purchased paper products (under the cabinet in the kitchen) and trash bags. There is no need to bring plates when you supply refreshments. There will be plenty on hand.
Betty also said she has new depot keys to exchange for old keys.
Bill Lancaster will be an instructor for four days during College for Kids on July 15-18. Classes are for students age 13 to 19. Bill said the World’s Greatest Hobby provided information to use in a classroom.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.