The meeting for March 2008 was called to order March 1st by Club President Wiley Starnes at 10:28.
The minutes for February 2008 were presented. A motion was made by Trace Bowen and seconded by Joe Pyland to accept the minutes as read. The motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted and read. Trace Bowen made a motion to accept, Joe Pyland seconded, and the motion passed.
Old Business
Building Committee – Ed Neill said some maintenance needs to be performed on the deck prior to painting.
Inventory Committee – Florence Hiersig and Betty Neill have inventoried six of the depot’s rooms.
Train Show – Jim Bush was not present to report.
Raffle Layout – Mike Ross has laid track, painted the benchwork, and is ready to ballast.
Mike Cleveland was not present to report on the electrical utilities. Ron Miller said there was nothing new to report.
Joe Pyland made a motion to return the membership form to the Board of Directors for review and requested that the application reference a minimum age for membership. Mike Hitzfelder seconded and the motion passed.
Ron Miller and Dan Ladd met with Jeremy Krauss from the Railroad and Heritage Museum to see about setting up some of the traveling layouts at the museum during the Blooming Temple Festival, April 12-13, 2008. Ron will set up the G Scale modular layout. Ed Neill made a motion to make this a club function and Trace Bowen seconded. The motion passed. There are also future display opportunities at the RRHM on April 26 and May 17-26.
The By-Laws Committee (Dan Ladd, Bill Lancaster, Ed Neill, and Wiley Starnes) has met and the by-laws will be reviewed by a CPA or lawyer if needed. The committee will meet with the Board of Directors for approval.
New Business
Rick James was welcomed as a new member. Rick models in O Scale.
Dan Ladd presented the scale membership report. There was some discussion and a number of corrections noted. The revised membership report will be presented at the April meeting.
Joe Pyland made a motion to adjourn. Trace Bowen seconded and the club adjourned at 11:02.