The meeting for August 2006 was called to order August 5th by Club President Earl Blanchette at 1 PM. The next business meeting will be September 2nd. The next run day is August 19th.
The minutes for July 2006 were presented; a motion was made by Joe Pyland to accept the minutes as read and was seconded by Troy Wolff. The motion passed.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted, read and accepted. As of today, we have sold 176 tables.
Due to his wife’s illness, Dr Vanaman will be unable to attend the show.
Old Business
A certificate of appreciation was presented to Darlene Vance who has made our club vests in the past by Earl and Betty. Letters of appreciation were also signed and mailed to Melody Locke and Rhoda Bolton for donating club name badges.
A clean-up session was scheduled prior to next month’s train show and everyone pitched in to pickup nails left over from the new roof located around the Depot.
The existing modules not claimed in the coming week will be moved and stored by Ron Miller and Mike Ross.
Ed Neill reported on the building renovation progress. Paneling and trim will be needed on the inside where two replacement windows have been installed. Some skirting also needs to be replace the overhang painted. Ed has a bid on the painting to be done.
New Business
It looks like mall space to show the raffle layout and sell tickets will be unavailable this year. Bill Lancaster will check into this as long as possible prior to the show.
Please contact Kennedy Gauger if you are interested in purchasing a quality shirt with the club logo and possibly your name. Cost is to be determined, but expected to be nominal.
Mike Cleveland reported on Train Show committee meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 2:05 PM