The meeting for January 2009 was called to order January 3rd in the historic Moody Depot by Club President Wiley Starnes at 10:35.
Membership attendance was light with many members still participating at the extended Mayborn Museum display. As a result, an inquorate meeting was held. The minutes for December’s 2008 business meeting were presented.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted and read.
Old Business
Ed Neill reported that the club will hopefully have the new bylaws and constitution for February’s business meeting.
The Waco Train show will be held the weekend of January 10th.
The RRHM will be hosting a hobby day from 1000-1400 on January 17th.
New Business
Wylie Starnes announced:
– Ed Neill will continue to chair the Building Committee.
– Betty Neill will continue as Inventory Committee Chair.
– Bill Lancaster will continue to serve as Librarian, Stationmaster, and Bylaw Committee Chair.
– Mike Cleveland will no longer serve as Vice President or Clinic Chair.
Bradley Linda said he had been contacted by a private party interested in donating a train order signal to the club. The prospective donor has offered to deliver the signal to the depot. Bradley will develop an estimate for restoring the signal and Ed Neill will contact the city of Temple to discuss display opportunities.
Wylie Starnes announced that the Board of Directors would meet after today’s business meeting to make the Waco Train Show and extended Mayborn Museum display official club activities.
Wylie Starnes declared the meeting adjourned at 11:01.